Implementation Array Of Java

10:31 PM | , , ,

Hemm... :-) Do you want to know the java program that i made on the first time. I wrote them when I was in the first semester at STMIK Akakom Yogyakarta. They was a simple problem. The problem is save the phone number with an array on java. The program can add the number, edit phone data and remove data from array. I am so sorry if I wrote the program with Indonesian language. But I will translate...
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How To Get Number As Word In Java

12:59 AM | , , , ,

         Huft... this week is very busy guys. So I'm really sorry , if you waiting for me for a long. :-) Okay guys, for this time i will share you about my little experiment on java programming. I will show you about how to get a number as a words like a picture below.            Are you curious? . Let's do it.  Okay for the first we will...
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Bluetooth vs. WiFi which is the superior?

6:28 AM | , , , ,

Nowadays we often hear about the wireless data transmission technology. But what is meaning of  wireless network. Let us review together about the advantages and disadvantages of them. Emerging wireless technologies today that Bluetooth and Wifi (Wireless Fidelity) are both devices that can connect the device via the wireless network. Here's an explanation of Bluetooth and Wifi. Bluetooth Bluetooth is a wireless communication...
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Decision and Looping On PHP

6:04 AM | , , , , , ,

This is a simple php script about decision and looping. This script is showing some series number with differrent form and a blok of multiplication table. <?php            //This for the title            echo"<h1>Tugas Pemrograman Web</br></h1>           ...
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