Straight Through and Cross Over Cable

9:53 AM | , ,

Hi guys... for this time I want to share you about how to make a Straight Through Cable and Cross Over Cable. Do you know the different between Straight Through Cable and Cross Over Cable?.  Okay , let me to tell you then.
Straight Through Cable is a standard transmission media connection for connecting two networking device which different one and another. One of them have an IP address but another does not have it. For example : PC and Switch , Switch and Router , PC and Hub. PC have an IP address but switch does not have. That’s why we need a Straight Through Cable for connecting PC to Switch.
Cross Over Cable is a standard transmission media connection for connecting two networking device which both of them have an IP address or  not. For example : PC and PC , Router and Router , Switch/Hub and Switch/Hub. We know that PC have an IP address, so if we will connecting PC to PC or PC to Notebook by Peer to Peer Connection we need a Cross Over cable device. Although a new technology of computer now make possible for connecting a PC to PC with Straight Through cable, but it’s better to use a standard Cross Over cable to get an optimum speed connection.
Before we make Straight Through  and Cross Over cable , we should to know cable structure of them. Let me show that at the picture below… :-)

 For the Straight Through cable ,the order color of cable is white orange , orange , white green , blue, white blue, green , white brown, brown. 
Whereas Cross Over  is white green, green , white orange, white blue,blue, orange, white brown, brown. 
For a simple we just swap the first order to the third and the second  order to the sixth. ( 1 to 3 and 2 to 6).

Oke  Let's make them !
For the first step , we collect all device and tools that we need such as an UTP (Unshielded Twisted Pair) / STP (Shielded Twisted Pair ) cable , RJ45 Connector, Crimping Tool, LAN Tester. ( Look at the picture below ).

For the next step , remove peel of the cable at sufficiently about 3-4 centimeters and arrange it to Straight or Cross Order ( Look at the picture before ). After that put the cable into RJ45 Connector. Press the RJ45 Connector and the cable inside using crimping tool like the picture below.

 Straight Through Cable ( Right ) and Cross Over Cable ( Left )

You must press stronger and make sure that cable attributed to the RJ45 Connector. Don't forget to do the same on  the other point of  the cable. After that test the connecting of cable with LAN Tester. The true cable will give a light of led on the left side same with the right side of LAN Tester. This is a testing result of straight and cross cable.

 Straight Through Cable ( Left ) and Cross Over Cable ( Rihght )
If the result is okay , you can check your cable for connecting PC to PC with a cross cable and PC to Switch with a straight cable. And then test with PING Command. If there is a Reply Command, it's mean you success to make it. 
So , you can try it guys... :-)

Created by : Alir Retno , Student of STMIK Akakom Yogyakarta


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