University Twente Scholarships (UTS) are scholarships for excellent students from non-EEA countries, applying for a graduate programme (MSc) at the University of Twente.
Deadline for application: 15 December 2012Country of Origin: Non-EU/EEA countriesLevel of study: Master
Field of study
Applied Mathematics
Applied Physics
Biomedical Engineering
Business Administration
Business Information...
University of Twente Scholarship for Master, Netherlands
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Scholarships for International Bachelor & Master Students, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, Germany
The STIBET programme, which is funded by the Auswärtiges Amt (Federal Foreign Office) and the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service), provides financial support to international degree-seeking students.
Scholarships for international Master studentsFrankfurt School awards a total of six STIBET III Matching Funds scholarships for new international Master’s students in the following...
StuNed Short Courses Scholarships for Indonesian, Netherlands
StuNed, Studeren in Nederland, is a scholarship programme focusing on mid-career professionals, as part of the bilateral cooperation between Indonesia and the Netherlands. The scholarship programme aims to contribute to the development of Indonesia through strengthening the human resources of Indonesian organisations. Individual applicants may apply for master degree or short courses in...
Amazing Website Template

Hey guys, I found an amazing website template. Those are some of screenshot..
You can download at h...
RockMelt , a new browser with social network

Hi guys,..
For this time I will tell you about a new browser. It's a RockMelt and you can download at . This is a screenshoot
I like it if only avalaible for my linux pc... Please tell me that you know for linux version...hehehehe :D&nb...
Master Scholarships in Public Policy and Good Governance, DAAD Germany
This programme is designed to further qualify future leaders in politics, law, economics and administration according to the principles of Good Governance and to prepare them in a praxis-oriented course for their professional life. The programme offers very good graduates with a first university degree the chance to obtain a Master’s degree in disciplines that are of special...
Partial Scholarships for Indonesian Students, London School of Commerce, UK
London School of Commerce (LSC) is the associate college of Cardiff Metropolitan University (CMU), a British reputable university providing internationally recognised degrees. As the associate college of the university, all degrees from LSC are awarded by CMU. LSC is fully accredited by the ASIC (Accreditation Service for International Colleges) and is a member of Education United...