Post Graduate Scholarship Grant To University of Tokyo
Apply for a post graduate scholarship to University Of Tokyo. If you…..
Are highly interested to pursue an overseas master degree in the field of science and technology: Engineering, Pharmaceutical, Mathematical, Agriculture, IT Sciences (except Medicine & Veterinary Medicine) with minimum GPA 3.50.
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Install Laravel in ubuntu varian

Apache, nginx, or another compatible web server.
Laravel takes advantage of the powerful features that have become available in PHP 5.3. Consequently, PHP 5.3 is a requirement.
Laravel uses the FileInfo library
to detect files' mime-types. This is included by default with PHP 5.3.
However, Windows users may need to add a line to their php.ini file
before the Fileinfo module is enabled. For more information check out
pySioGame : Game Edukasi Untuk Melatih Kecerdasan Anak

Mas..mas.. punya game bagus nggak? tanya salah seorang anak didikku di TPA. (Kebetulan ane ikut ngajar ngaji di salah satu TPA di kota Sleman, Yogyakarta)
Hemm, akhirnya timbullah inisiatif ane buat nyari game edukasi anak. Sekali-kali mungkin mereka juga butuh hiburan tapi tak sekedar hiburan. Akhirnya setelah browsing-browsing ketemu juga game dengan nama
pySioGame .
pySioGame adalah seperangkat aplikasi pendidikan dan permainan...