Installing NetBeans OpenGL Pack Plugin part-1

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Hi guys... Do you a java programmer? You should learn about this article. Hehe :D
Okay, for this time I want to share you about installing Netbeans OpenGL Pack Plugin with Netbean Version 7.0 and Ubuntu OS.
(Go Linux Go Open Source ... :D)

What is a NetBeans OpenGL Pack ?

Netbeans OpenGL Pack is one of Netbean IDE plugins that supportig JOGL library. JOGL differs from some other Java OpenGL wrapper libraries in that it merely exposes the procedural OpenGL API via methods on a few classes, rather than trying to map OpenGL functionality onto the object-oriented programming paradigm. Indeed, most of the JOGL code is autogenerated from the OpenGL C header files via a conversion tool named GlueGen, which was programmed specifically to facilitate the creation of JOGL.

This design decision has both its advantages and disadvantages. The procedural and state machine nature of OpenGL is inconsistent with the typical method of programming under Java, which is bothersome to many programmers. However, the straightforward mapping of the OpenGL C API to Java methods makes conversion of existing C applications and example code much simpler. The thin layer of abstraction provided by JOGL makes runtime execution quite efficient, but accordingly is more difficult to code compared to higher-level abstraction libraries like Java3D. Because most of the code is autogenerated, changes to OpenGL can be rapidly added to JOGL.

Netbeans OpenGL Pack can you download at and search on the catalogue. 

Click download button and waiting until file has been downloaded...

For installing plugins , you can read this article.


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