Installing Canon Pixma MP287 Driver on Ubuntu 10.4

7:55 AM | , , ,

Installing Printer Driver 1. You can download PIXMA MP280 here 2. Extract file cnijfilter-mp280series-3.40-1-deb.tar.gz 3. Install in your terminal with this command      cd /[location for your extract file]     sudo ./ 4. Turn on and connect your printer then press enter 5. Select your printer connection 6. Set your printer name ( default MP280 ) 7. Set to default printer...
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Instal modem smartfren EC1261-2 di Ubuntu 10.4 dengan mobile partner

7:21 AM | , ,

Setelah kita belajar menginstal modem smartfren dengan wvdial yang notabene-nya berbasis text / cli. Sekarang kita coba untuk mengunakan versi GUI-nya yaitu dengan Mobile Partner. Berikut langkah-langkahnya 1.Download mobile partner untuk linux. Klik disini! 2.Extract paket .zip nya. Baca “readme.txt” yang ada di dalam foldernya untuk mengetahui cara instalaasi mobile partner di ubuntu. Kalau agak bingung liat contoh...
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Instal modem smartfren EC1261-2 di Ubuntu 10.4 dengan wvdial

7:00 AM | , ,

Langkah-langkah menginstal modem Smartfren EC1261-2 di Ubuntu 10.4 Install wvdial dengan langkah - langkah sebagai berikut: 1. Download paket wvdial untuk 32 dan 64 bit : 32 bit - 64 bit 2. Buat sebuah folder untuk mengetract semua yang ada di wvdial+wvdial.conf32/64bit 3. Masuk ke folder yang sudah di buat setelah itu install dengan perintah : dpkg -i *.deb Keterangan : *.deb itu berarti menginstall semua paket deb yang...
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UQ Science International Undergraduate Scholarships, University of Queensland, Australia

1:52 PM | , , , ,

The Faculty of Science is proud to offer the UQ Science International Scholarships program. The program is two-tiered with applicants eligible to be considered either for scholarships valued at a total of AU $12,000 or AU $5,000 with one application. Scholarships will be awarded on the basis of academic performance and the applicant’s personal statement. Science Undergraduate Excellence Scholarships:...
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My Live Mapping

6:00 AM |

I know this is not easy, but I believe that imposible is nothing. "Man Jadda Wa Jadda" : who serious so he get his dream come tr...
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Materi Teknologi Web

7:45 AM | ,

Bagi temen2 yg mau donlod materi teknologi web bisa diambil di isinya ringkasan JSON , Sekilas JQuery dan XML. Semoga bermanfaat...
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Gates Vaccine Innovation Award, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, USA

7:43 AM | ,

The Gates Vaccine Innovation Award will celebrate revolutionary ways children in the poorest parts of the world are immunized. The winning innovation will be recognized with a US $250,000 prize. The Gates Vaccine Innovation Award is open to individuals from any discipline. Candidates from academic institutions, governments, health care facilities, research institutions, non-profit organizations...
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Partial Scholarships for Indonesian Students, London School of Commerce, UK

7:42 AM | , ,

London School of Commerce (LSC) is the associate college of Cardiff Metropolitan University (CMU), a British reputable university providing internationally recognised degrees. As the associate college of the university, all degrees from LSC are awarded by CMU. LSC is fully accredited by the ASIC (Accreditation Service for International Colleges) and is a member of Education United Kingdom as...
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Business School International Undergraduate Scholarships, University of Hull, UK

11:57 AM | , ,

Application for a Business School Undergraduate International scholarship There are scholarships available, each paying £2,800 for a maximum of three years, based on academic excellence Applicants who are considered as international students for tuition fee purposes have applied and received confirmation of an offer to study before applying for this scholarship are able to commence their studies...
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Robert S McNamara Fellowships Program, World Bank

11:52 AM | , ,

The Robert S. McNamara Fellowships Program provides support to young researchers working in academic and research institutions from eligible countries preparing a doctoral thesis. Research grants cover residence costs for a 5 to 10 month period in a renowned university or research center. Fellows are expected to advance their research work mainly by using the facilities and resources provided...
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