How To Set Up Wireless Ad Hoc in Windows 8

5:13 PM | , , , , , ,

Step 1: Launch an elevated command prompt under Windows 8 (one with administrator privileges).
Open windows explorer than press menu File > Open command prompt > Open command prompt as administrator

Step 2: Run the following command to verify that your network interface supports virtualization:
netsh wlan show drivers

If Hosted network supported says Yes, you’re all set. Otherwise, you need to upgrade your hardware, if the software update doesn’t fix it.

Step 3: Now, set up the ad hoc wireless network using this command. Replace the parts in markup tags with your own choices
netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=<enter_network_name_here> key=<enter_password_here>

Step 4: Until now, your hosted network has been created. Now, you need to start it. Use the command below:
netsh wlan start hostednetwork

Step 5: You’re all set, with just one thing remaining. If it’s not already enabled, you need to allow Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) for your currently-active internet connection. Simply head over to Network & Sharing Center, and in the properties for the current internet connection, enable ICS. Make sure to select the ad hoc connection under Home networking connection.


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